
If you haven’t been heard this before, I want to share with you that God cares deeply about your brokenness.

King David knew a lot about sorrow and suffering. In Psalms 56:8-9 he wrote:

“You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.” (NLT)

God cares so much that He carries everyone of our hurts!

Yet we live in a broken world. And in that broken world are people who have the free-will to pursue their own desires, even at the cost of themselves and others.

That is where you and I come in. God loves us, but He’s given you and me, and everyone else, the free-will to not love Him back. He gave us the choice to choose. 

Unfortunately, many of us do not choose love. Instead we choose selfishness. That choice costs ourselves and those around us.

It is God’s deep desire that our brokenness be healed. (Ps. 146:8, Ps. 147:3)

He so desires our healing that he was willing to surrender his own life for it. “…He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” (Isaiah 53:5 NLT)

But He is also a God of Justice!

Isaiah 1:17 calls us to 

“learn to do good;
seek justice,
    correct oppression;
bring justice to the fatherless,
     plead the widow’s cause.” (ESV)

He calls to those living in the broken world to lift up the vulnerable. 

It is our mission rescue the struggling.

Maybe you’re struggling to believe that God wants good things for you. Or your struggling to understand scriptures that have been weaponized against you. Maybe you’re just overwhelmed and confused.

It’s ok to wonder and hurt. It’s ok to cry and be angry. 

Whatever your battle, I’m here to help you navigate your struggles through your faith.

Ready to untangle the confusion?

Work with me to rediscover the truths that will set you free!